Places to GO, people to SEE, a constant GO GO GO, but I leave that all behind (in Silicon Valley) when I go to beautiful Dubrovnik, Croatia.
So I’m starting out by telling you all about my first trip to Croatia back in 2004. There I was driving from the airport on the highway looking down from the cliffs onto the crystal blue waters; trying to soak it all in and not really knowing what to expect. Then as we were coming around a corner, you suddenly see OLD TOWN – Dubrovnik – blossoming from the water. AMAZING! Words cannot express how beautiful it was for me to see. They don’t call it the Pearl of the Adriatic for nothing.
Back then I had not been outside of the USA (except for a short stint in Mexico) and I just kept thinking to myself how lucky I was to be in this remarkable country; a country that I had not really known much about other than what I learned in social studies back in high school – and that was all about the war in the 90’s when Croatia was still part of the former Yugoslavia.
So meeting my soon to be husband (who is first generation Croatian American with both parents from Dubrovnik, Croatia) and asking him the question, “Where is Croatia?’ did not go over very well! But I would soon learn more about its history and the loving people and traditions of this beautiful country. Nowadays, people hear me talk and think I’m Croatian – LOL. (I’m not – I’m a mix of Scottish/English & Slovakian). But being married to a Croatian makes me feel like I have been adopted by these beautiful people.
OK, so back to my first time in Croatia (2004) with my soon to be husband. We decided to go in September and I have to say it was a great choice.
- The sea was still amazingly warm at that time.
- The tourists dropped off or were laying low.
- School was back in session
- And most of the locals are not as busy as they are in July and August so they can hang out with you.
Going to Croatia as many times as I now have, there are some things that I have never done since my first trip and may not do again just because of our kiddos. I like to think that I’ve already experienced something so amazing that I want to keep those memories just as they are – and not have my children flip out because they want to be at the beach or eating pizza instead of exploring an 11th century church.
I remember walking the walls of Old Town for the first time. The views were spectacular. Words simply cannot describe. Still some of the best photos that I have are from that first year up on the walls. Old Town is surreal. It felt like you were on a movie set and the walls are being propped up, but then you quickly realize they are made of solid stone and up to 20 feet thick and 80 feet high in some places. Majestic! I mean it’s pretty hard to take a bad picture.

Just about the bottom line on me: I love my faith, family, film, fashion and travel. And oh YES, a little obsessed with shoes!
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