My family and I were talking about what we should do for Memorial Day yesterday. Like a lot of people, we were talking about doing a BBQ or swimming. But after walking out of church and seeing a booth set up to make packages for our troops well, we thought we’d really be happier to do a little something for our soldiers overseas. We really wanted to show our appreciation for the active duty military as well as honoring our fallen soldiers.
My girls were so excited to do a project like this! They had just been talking about the money they had earned last veterans day by having a lemonade stand and bake sale, and what they should do with the money they had left. This was a perfect project for them to use their money. They couldn’t wait to go pick out all the things that would go into the boxes.
It was super convenient that they had boxes and a list of what to add in each box for the soldiers.
Energy Bars, Power Bars, Beef Jerky or SlimJims, Pretzels, Crackers, Top Ramen, Mac N’ Cheese, Dry Soup, Instant Oatmeal, Hard Candy, Gum, Mints, Lifesavers, Trail Mix, dried Fruit, Nuts, Powered Drinks Mixes, Instant Coffee/tea/cocoa (protein powder from Trader Joe’s.)
Sunscreen, skin lotions, chap stick, eye drops, Tylenol, hand sanitizing gel, hand cleanser, hand/body wipes, Dial Bar Soap, deodorant, bug repellent, foot powder, Band-aids, Ziploc bags, cough drops, nasal spray, tooth brushes, floss, toothpaste, hair ties, makeup, nail polish, cotton balls.
(All of the Hygiene items needs to be in double zip-loc bags to prevent them from spoiling the other items)
Batteries (AA or AAA), cheap headphones, charging cables, playing cards, dice, yo-yo’s, small balls, toys for children, magazines, paper back books, note cards, pencils, paper.
The girls went to the Dollar Tree and Trader Joe’s to get most of the items. Their boxes were filled to the brim. They also added a hand written letter to to each box.
We were so happy my husband suggested to do this project for Memorial Day. By the way the girls are in their swim suits because we are swimming and fitting in that BBQ after our project is done.
I just want to add that we’re so thankful for the soldiers who gave their lives for this country and for the soldiers like my Dad and Grandfather who served it so willingly.
Happy Memorial Day!

Just about the bottom line on me: I love my faith, family, film, fashion and travel. And oh YES, a little obsessed with shoes!
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